Browse & Search
The Female Professor and the Nude Artist
여교수와 누드크로키
Studio Moon / one team
Hide and Seek
hide and seek / Parallel Punch!!, Love Love Size, Youthful Burst, Black Sixth Class, Deep Inside the Back of the Throat, Winter Comes Around, Rumor About the Professor, Loup-Garou Gokou
Reibun Ike / 池 玲文 / Nikutaiha
Layton Kyouju to Yukai na Jiken
レイトン教授とユカイな事件 / Professor Layton and the Cheerful Mystery
CoroCoro Comic / Naoki Sakura / 桜 ナオキ
The Useless Tamer Will Turn into the Top Unconsciously by My Previous Life Knowledge
About Making the Low-tier Tamer Profession Top-tier Using My Previous Life’s Knowledge / Ore No Zense No Chishiki De Teihengyo Tamer Ga Joukyugyo Ni Natte Shimaisou Na Ken Ni Tsuite / Ore No Zense No Chishiki De Teihenshoku Tamer Ga Joukyuushoku Ni Natte Shimaisou Na Ken / Ore No Zensei No Chishiki De Teihen Shoku Tamer Ga Joukyuu Shoku Ni Natte Shimai Sou Na Ken / 俺の前世の知識で底辺職テイマーが上級職になってしまいそうな件
Yoshigae Tamaki / Niwa Rhythm
Manga Surprise!
Baby Jack / Edmond, Alain & Hugues / Garage Nightmare / General Affairs Division #2 / Impromptu Melody / Lax Press / Lost Pillow of Dreams / Madam XYZ / Mr. Myō / Pitch Unger / Protector of the Railroad / Still Life / Super Trouble / The Easy Go Lucky Story / The Scientific Love of Professor Kishiwada
ashinano hitoshi / baudoin / hart tom / izumi garret / juan ana / kuroda iou / lewis jon / matsumoto yuka / mazzucchelli david / muth jon j / oyama tetsuya / pope paul / takezaki tony / tanioka yasuji / uen chen / yasuda hiroyuki / yoshida mamijo / zierhut anthony
Puroresu Kyousoukyoku
プロレス狂想曲 / La République du catch / Professional Wrestling Kyousoukyoku / Republic of Pro-Wrestling
Nicolas De Cré / Cy
Strictly Professional Yuri
Strictly Professional Yuri / ビジネス百合は限界です
Kawamura Taku
Prophetic Dream
Prophetic Dream / Purofetikkudorīmu / プロフェティックドリーム
🇯🇵Oneshot,Doujinshi,Yaoi(BL),Sci-Fi,Comedy,Mecha,Slice of Life
Strange Lessons by Professor Terror
テロール教授の怪しい授業 / Terror Kyouju no Ayashii Jugyou
Morning / Carlo Zen / undefined カルロ・ゼン / Ten Ishida / 石田 点
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Slice of Life
Nan Ting Guwei - The Last Destiny
Nan Ting Guwei (谷围南亭) - The last destiny, 谷围南亭
Captain Tsubasa Special Hen: Yume no Brazil Pro-Debut no Maki
Captain Tsubasa Special: The dream of the professional debut in Brazil / キャプテン翼 スペシャル編 夢のブラジル・プロデビューの巻
Takahashi Yoichi
The Professor Who Reads Romance Novels
Angram (안그람)
Seinen(M),Psychological,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life,Shoujo ai
Zannen Hakase
Oops, Professor! / Professor Unfortuately / Sorry, Professor! / Too Bad, Professor / 残念博士
Seno Soruto
Professor Busujima's Egg
毒島教授の卵 / Busujima Kyouju no Tamago
Zero-Sum WARD / Ruri Kanou / 加納 るり
He, The Professor, Started Chasing Stars
Professor he started chasing stars, 教授他开始追星, Jiàoshòu tā kāishǐ zhuīxīng / Professor, Teach Me How To Love
羌塘 / 书耽网 / 箫勺映画-调羹
Drama,Romance,School Life,Shounen ai
Sensei, Motto Ero Iko to Shiyouyo - Kyuuai SEX ga Sugosugite Nigerarenai
Sensei, Motto Ero Iko to Shiyouyo - Kyuuai SEX ga Sugosugite Nigerarenai / 先生、もっとエロいことシようよ~求愛SEXがすごすぎて逃げられない / Professor, Let's Do Something More Erotic —Courtship Sex Is Too Good to Run From
Katori Yuuki
🇯🇵Romance,School Life
Seiyoku ga Yabasugiru Onna Hakase to Seiyoku ga Yabasugiru Robot
Seiyoku ga Yabasugiru Onna Hakase to Seiyoku ga Yabasugiru Robot / 性欲がやばすぎる女博士と性欲がやばすぎるロボット / Seiyoku ga Yaba Sugiru Onna Hakase to Seiyoku ga Yaba Sugiru Robot / A Female Professor with an Insanely High Libido and a Robot with an Insanely High Libido
Nishima Gomeyuki
Puroresu Kyousoukyoku
プロレス狂想曲 / La République du catch / Professional Wrestling Kyousoukyoku / Puroresu Kyousoukyoku
nicolas de crécy / nicolas de crécy
Nazotoki Hakase no Hirameki Iseki Tankenki
Nazotoki Hakase no Hirameki Iseki Tankenki / ナゾトキ博士のヒラメキ遺跡探検記 / The Puzzle-Solving Professor's 'Eureka' Adventures
Ito Kamemura / Kawaguchi Yuki
Wu Liu Qi: Heibai Shuanglong
Wu Liu Qi: Heibai Shuanglong / Scissor Seven: Black and White Twin Dragons / 伍六七:黑白双龙
He Xiaofeng / Atom Cat
🇨🇳Webtoon,Action,Comedy,Adventure,Magic,Supernatural,Full Color
Puroresu Kyousoukyoku
La République du catch / Republic of Pro-Wrestling / ProWres Kyousoukyoku / Professional Wrestling Kyousoukyoku / プロレス狂想曲 / Pro Wrestling Kyousoukyoku
nicolas de crécy
Loveholic Guys
ラブホリック・ガイズ / Umi no Kanata ni, Kosouku Drawing Love, Double Bind, Sugar Cube, Monster, My King, Suika Suki ka, Do You Like Watermelon?, Beyond the Sea
Gai Mizuki / 水樹 凱 / ETOFENPROX / Rycanthropy / Muzirushi Labo
Final Fantasy XIV - Lalafell-sensei Will Teach You!
Final Fantasy XIV - I Will Teach You Professor Lalafell / ファイナルファンタジーララフェル先生の教えてやるよ!
Arcana 11 - Time Travel / Time Traveller
ゼロサムオリジナルアンソロジーシリーズ Arcana (11) [時間旅行/タイムトラベラー] / Arcana - Jikanryokou / Taimu Torabera / Arcana - Time Travel and Time Travelers / Arcana - Time Traveling / Arcana - Jikanryokou / Time Traveler / Zero-Sum Original Anthology Series Arcana 11 - Jikanryokou/Time Traveller / A Watch Seller Travels Through Time / The Classroom Where He Is / The Person from the Future is Next to You / Time Travel / The Professor and the Strange Love and Hate / Samurais / Mushroom and Kappa - Time Travel Chapter / Memento Mori / Darkness Future Design / You Can’t Travel Through Dimensions / If Time / Nankai Loop? / Future Tedium Efforts Record / When I Came Home, There was a Samurai / After Long Long Years / You Can't Travel Through Dimensions
erika kari / guriko magami / igarashi ran / kanade tokitoh / keiko takechi / mame serikawa / maro sakura / nanae mitsu / natsuo kumeta / pizu gunjou / sakura kinoshita / setsuko yoneyama / shinobu takayama / verno mikawa / yashirou saeki